Keep Your Trees Safe and Strong

Get wind sailing tree services in the greater Whatcom County area including Bellingham and Ferndale, WA

Are you worried about strong winds damaging your property? Your trees play a big role in keeping your home or other structures safe. At Timber Tree and Construction, we offer wind sailing tree services to reduce the risk of storm damage and improve the integrity of your trees. We'll trim back certain branches from the inner layers of your tree to reduce drag and allow wind to easily pass through. The result is a safer tree that can weather the next storm.

For more information on tree trimming for wind resistance, call 360-441-5033 today. We proudly serve Bellingham and Ferndale, WA.

A man is cutting down a tree in the woods with a chainsaw.

When to consider wind sailing for your trees

Our wind sailing tree services are a great option for homeowners who are concerned that:

  • A tree is too close to their home or garage
  • A tree's branches are too heavy
  • A tree's canopy is too dense
  • A tree has a shallow or weak root system

By arranging tree trimming for wind resistance early, you can help your trees thrive for years to come. Contact us now to book an appointment.

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